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God's Intelligent Design

Writer's picture: Eddie VinesEddie Vines

Updated: Nov 14, 2018

Article- God’s Intelligent Design

“…The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork”.

-Psalm 19:1

In recent years the argument that evidence of a divine creator can be found by observing the intricate design of things found in nature has come to be known as the Intelligent Design Theory.

Arguments that the universe and everything in it came into being through the work of a cosmic designer rather than blind chance have been around for many centuries. Plato noted that the observable world appeared to have been designed by a divine craftsman. Cicero pointed to the heavens as evidence of the same. Eighteenth century philosopher William Paley illustrated this point well in his “watchmaker analogy” in which he described the discovery of a stone lying in a field as being uneventful, yet the finding of a pocket-watch lying in a field as a clear indication that someone has lost his timepiece. In other words, the average person is able to immediately distinguish something that was designed and created by a watchmaker from something that is commonly found in nature. The presidential likenesses chiseled into the side of Mount Rushmore are sometimes used as an example of the work of a designer that is easily distinguished from the natural landscape surrounding it.

Other evidence of a divine scheme can be found in biology. For instance, in recent years science has discovered the intricate complexity of DNA. Not only does DNA contain a mind-boggling quantity of information (The mere cell nucleus of an amoeba contains more information than all 30 volumes of the Encyclopedia Britannica), it is highly organized. An illustration of the beauty and elegance of the DNA double helix is depicted in the above photo in which it is displayed next to a picture of the Rose Window at York Minster.

In addition to advances in understanding the human body, another cause of the resurgence of the Intelligent Design argument is due to the discovery that our universe is incredibly finely tuned and suited for supporting human life. This subject will be addressed in greater detail in the next article.

One of the leading scientists promoting Intelligent Design today is Michael Behe, Professor of Biochemistry at Lehigh University, who in the 1990’s presented the concept of Irreducible Complexity which demonstrates that, contrary to the claims of evolutionists, certain biological systems could not have come into being as a result of gradual mutations over long periods of time. That is to say, for instance, that all of the necessary components of a functional eye, retina, lens, cornea, etc. must be present all at once in order for an eye to function at all. An eye with half of its parts is not one that functions poorly but rather one that does not work at all.

Behe argues that a human eye is analogous to a simple mousetrap regarding its irreducible complexity. A mousetrap which is missing one of its five essential components; spring, catch, hammer, holding bar, and foundation is not simply less efficient but is completely unable to catch a mouse.

The purpose, intent, and design found in nature are not compatible with the “unguided” process of evolution but rather showcase the creativity and intelligence of the God of the Bible.

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