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Welcome to Faith Fortress Ministries. We at Faith Fortress are committed to spreading the good news of Jesus Christ and sharing his love with the world.  As cultural confusion grows and biblical truth increasingly comes under attack, Faith Fortress seeks to shine the light of the gospel into the world by exploring the spiritual roots of the chaos we see today. We do this through studying the culture in light of Scripture, then taking every opportunity to share our insights with the local church. 

A few years ago, God blessed us with the opportunity to to minister to widows and orphans among the Naga Tribes of Northeast India. We now operate a small orphanage and provide spiritual and humanitarian relief to a number of widows. As we have begun to redirect our focus on cultural apologetics the Lord has pointed to James 1:27 as our guiding Scripture:


Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world" 


People around the globe are heavily influenced by the cultural trends of western cultures.  The church in America has an obligation to engage those who would lead the world away from God's truth.


Join us on our journey!


​​​​​​Announcement: The next Faith Fortress Board Meeting will be held at 6 pm on May 2nd, 2024. To attend by Zoom contact Eddie Vines at 205-586-0222 for a link.

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   Faith Fortress Ministries

           Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress., and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
                                                                                                           James 1:27


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Faith Fortress Initiates Faith-Based Civics Classes for Hispanics

In 2025 Faith Fortress will be offering free classes for Hispanics that will present the gospel to them while also teaching them about the founding and structure of our country. The lectures will share the ideals of liberty, virtue and free markets that have resulted in the U.S. becoming the most prosperous and powerful nation in the history of the world. Most important of all, the students will hear the unfiltered message of salvation. Please pray for us as we enter this area and expect to have to fight new spiritual battles.

Get to Know the Nagas

The Naga People of Northeast India are a living display of the transformational power of the gospel. Before being visited by missionaries in the late 1800's the Naga Tribes were steeped in a culture of violence and death where collecting the heads of enemy warriors was believed to bring one power and strength.  Today, numbering in the millions, the Nagas maintain a strong witness for Christ in their part of the world. Land-locked on all sides by Hindus, Muslims, Buddhists and the atheist government of China, they now demonstrate the courage they once employed in battle as they persist in living out their faith.  Faith Fortress is linking arms with the Naga people to encourage, train, and equip their passionate young people to reach the world around them with the good news of Jesus Christ.

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